Friday, March 8, 2013

Lost Time

Salvador Dali, "La Persistencia
de la Memoria"
I HAVE THE next two days, Saturday and Sunday, off.  I have a weekend, on the weekend.

This is a big deal to me, because I have worked either six or seven days a week, every week, for 12 straight weeks.  I am very tired.

I should be clear that this extra work time was 100 percent voluntary and actually quite welcome, given the amount of overtime pay.  Additional money is always good.  But it has come at a cost -- I am really, really drained.

Of course, it figures my first weekend since December 8, 2012, would be daylight-saving time, one of the worst inventions in human history.  And not the “good” one in the autumn, but the “horrible” one in the spring, where I lose an hour.

An entire hour.

On my only “weekend” so far this year or for March.  (I’m working six-day weeks the rest of the month and first week of April.)

And while DST does not matter as much to most people as it falls on a Sunday, when you work overnights like I do, giving up an entire hour of sleep is a rather painful sacrifice.

Suffice it to say, I will be spending my weekend in bed, sleeping as much as one can with the sun "coming up" an hour earlier.

As an aside, please do not refer to it as “daylight savings time” or I will punch you in the teeth.  “Daylight Savings” sounds like a Florida S&L that collapsed in the 1980s, not an anachronistic confuser of computers and human biological clocks.

Arkansas now has the most-restrictive (and unconstitutional) abortion law in the nation.

I cannot describe this heartbreaking story as well as WCCO-TV’s Liz Collin reports it.