Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stock and Awe

Walt Disney Pictures
LATE THIS MORNING, the Dow Jones Industrial Average -- an arbitrary index of single-share stock values that for unclear reasons is used by the mass media as a barometer of economic strength -- hit an all-time high.

This should be a good thing, right?

The previous high was reached October 9, 2007.  Take a look at this chart to see what happened next.

I am by no means an economist, nor even a business-focused journalist or investor, but I know enough to realize today’s high means absolutely nothing.

On the one hand, we could be in for a big “correction” over the next couple of days.

On the other, we could be riding a new bull market long-term.

Or, as respected economist Stanley Drunkenmiller says, we are on the precipice of an economic collapse far worse than the Great Recession of 2007 - 2010 (which Drunkenmiller predicted, years in advance and with startling precision).

I tend to take a more measured but ultimately pessimistic view.  The data is pretty convincing: our aging population and broken Social Security system, combined with the thus-far catastrophic failure of 401(k)-type investing for folks just now reaching retirement age has left me under the impression that there’s at least a 50 percent chance I won’t be able to retire.  I mean, ever.  I may very well keel over while still working, or die in poverty once I am no longer considered employable.  The data show that many of you reading this may suffer a similar fate.

But hey, cheer up.  Maybe Jesus will come back before that happens and save us all first!

Would you like some more depressing economic news?  Here you go: middle-class folks like you and me are drowning!

My colleague Elizabeth Cohen has a stark look at what happened when an infertile couple’s surrogacy went terribly, horribly wrong.