Thursday, March 14, 2013

Obama Overload

Conde' Nast
WOW, WE CERTAINLY have seen a lot of Obama these days.  On every TV network; on magazine covers; on web videos.  It’s Obama Overexposure, I say.

I am, of course, talking about Mrs. Obama.

Let me preface this by saying I don’t believe the First Lady should be some sort of White House equivalent of June Cleaver.  It’s good for her to be visible, and to get involved in (ostensibly) politically-neutral quality of life improvement programs, such as the “Let’s Move!” exercise initiative aimed at children.

But what I do not like about Michelle Obama right now is her appearance on every platform known to humanity.  I bristle every time I hear conservatives moan about the Liberal MSM (mainstream media), but they certainly have a valid point of late when it comes to the Democratic President’s spouse.

So far this year, she’s:

[*Can I just add my consternation at the Vogue cover story headline, "How the First Lady and President Are Inspiring America"? How exactly are they inspiring us? Last I checked, everyone is still pissed off about guns and no one is doing anything at all about the national debt or spending.]
[**Yes, they are stupid. My opinion. Take it or leave it.]

Even worse, from where I stand, is the fact the mainstream media subsequently end up reporting on all these things, compounding both the overexposure problem and the perception that MSM are in the throngs of a passionate leftist love-fest with the Obamas.

What is really going on here?  The President didn’t really need any help after the election gaining bonus points (though he seems to be struggling in popularity polls right now).  Mrs. Obama was already a much more visible figure than her predecessor, the somewhat demure Laura Bush.  Did someone tell the White House Michelle’s Q rating was declining, and they needed to get her out in public more?  Or does she have an uncontrollable ego that can no longer be satiated now that she’s the wife of a lame-duck President?

As I said earlier, I have no problem with the First Lady being visible.  But until she decides to run for office, she should... oh, wait.  There it is.

You’re probably on Facebook.  Do you ever “Like” things on Facebook?  In today’s news of the obvious, some of the things you “Like” give away personal and even private details about you -- no matter how tightly you screw down your privacy settings.

In light of the biggest story of the week, here’s some refreshing news on Americans and their religious preferences.

Please, for the love of Francis, STOP DOING THIS.